“The Adorable Kitten Finds a New Furry Friend to Look After Him”

The little feline is now safe and sound, thanks to the loving care of its furry companion.

A few months ago, a cat started meowing loudly in the yard of a family’s house in Canada. The little furry creature was extremely hungry and desperately searching for anything to eat, but there was no mother cat or other kittens in sight. The homeowners couldn’t bear to leave the kitten to fend for itself, so they took it in and reached out to the local animal rights group, Chatons Orphelins Montréal, for help. Celine Krom from the organization said that they immediately found a nanny-nurse to provide round-the-clock care for the kitten after it was brought to them from Montreal.

The adorable little feline, known as Lux, was initially very timid and malnourished. However, with regular feedings, he regained his strength and enjoyed snuggling up in a cozy bed. Despite this, Lux craved affection and would meow incessantly whenever he was by himself. Eventually, as soon as he was well enough and no longer needed to be bottle-fed, he was given the chance to develop social skills by being introduced to other cats. Luckily, one of his family members – a stunning tabby cat – happily took Lux under their wing.

The animal welfare organization, Chatons Orphelins Montreal, rescued a long-haired tabby named Oscar who was around two years old. Oscar had been abandoned and was found wandering in search of food and shelter near an abandoned building. The rescue team believes that Oscar used to live with his family in the same building before he was deserted. This occurred around the same time that they rescued a cat named Lux.

Upon his arrival, Oscar was in a sorry state and needed extensive care from the rescuers. Thanks to the medication and attentive care provided, he gradually regained his strength and began eating independently. Oscar’s condition continued to improve until he made a full recovery.
Nowadays, Oscar is quite sociable with people and shows a special affinity for helping out young kittens in distress. He intuitively knows precisely what they require, as was the case when Lux arrived at the nursing home where he resides.

As per Celine from Chatons Orphelins Montreal, Lux is a feline that adores spending time with other cats and desires to befriend all of them. Lux and Oscar’s first encounter felt like they had known each other for ages. The tabby cat took the kitten under his protection, and they instantly embraced each other.

Chatons Orphelins Montreal’s Oscar became a caring parent for Lux. He would meticulously clean the little kitten, cuddle him with his paws, and never let him be on his own. Under Oscar’s guidance, Lux learned how to explore the house and gained confidence. The kitten mimicked Oscar’s behavior and eventually climbed the cat’s play area and sought people’s affection.

According to Celine from Chatons Orphelins Montreal, Lux, who is currently four months old, and Oscar, who is three years old, have formed a fantastic bond and make a great pair. Ideally, they would be adopted together into the same loving home.

Chatons Orphelins Montreal reports that two best friends are content with their home lives and have dreams of having their own families someday.


With credit to Chatons Orphelins Montreal, we want to share some information with you. It’s important to create original content, so we’re putting our own spin on the message. Here it goes!

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