From Despair to Delight: The Uplifting Story of Mochi, the Munchkin Cat, and Her Journey to Happiness.

Mochi, a munchkin cat with Chinese origins, was brought to the United States but unfortunately suffers from ischemic dermatopathy. This condition has caused deterioration in some parts of her body including her ears, tail, and right hind leg. Her previous owners found her health problems too difficult to manage and Mochi was taken in by MSPCA-Angell, a rescue shelter. Despite her challenges, Mochi was fortunate to find a loving home in Boston with Greg and Natalia, who have a deep appreciation for animals. They have warmly welcomed Mochi as their first animal companion together, despite her physical limitations. For more information about Mochi, check out her Instagram and TikTok accounts.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

According to the new owner of Mochi, Greg McDouglas, Bored Panda reached out to him for more information about the rescued feline’s history. Mochi was originally born in China as a munchkin kitten and then bought by a family residing in Boston. However, she developed a peculiar illness that resulted in necrosis, causing her previous guardians to give her up to MSPCA-Angell, a rescue shelter. Unfortunately, by the time Mochi received medical attention, her condition had worsened, leading her doctors to amputate one of her hind legs, ears, and tail. Additionally, Mochi also contracted ringworm.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

The folks who previously owned the cute little critter made the tough decision to surrender her, placing her in the caring hands of MSPCA-Angell. This rescue organization is well-known for their top-notch care and attention to detail.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Mochi had been under the care of shelter doctors for a couple of months and made an excellent recovery. Despite being isolated during her treatment, she was finally put up for adoption at the shelter. Fortunately, my fiancée Natalia, who loves animals, came across Mochi’s listing and quickly submitted an application to adopt her. We were ecstatic when the shelter contacted us the next day to inform us that we had been chosen to become Mochi’s new owners. Even though I tried to act calm and suggested meeting her first, our visit to the shelter the next day captured our hearts completely. Since January 22nd, 2023, Mochi has been with us for just over two months. Sadly, her condition was so severe that the vets had to amputate one of her hind legs, both ears, and her tail.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

For a period of two months, the shelter’s medical staff provided care and attention to her while keeping her in a separate area away from others.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Once we found out the story behind Mochi’s past, our interest piqued in regards to her routine and personality in her new residence. Reportedly, Mochi displays an incredibly amiable and energetic demeanor, frequently indulging in games like hide-and-seek around the premises. She communicates through a range of vocalizations such as meows, chirps, and squeaks. Additionally, Mochi is quite affectionate, relishing head scratches, belly rubs, and snuggling on Natalia’s head as she sleeps at night. She yearns for attention and embraces meeting new people, exhibiting no fear as she explores her surroundings with fervor. It’s apparent that since adopting her, Mochi has added an abundance of happiness and adoration into Greg and Natalia’s existence, making it one of the best decisions they’ve ever made.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

After being given the required attention and support, the shelter made a choice to find her a new forever home through adoption.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

When questioned about the health of their beloved pet Mochi, Greg expressed that they have high hopes for her living a joyful and lengthy life. However, they must take extra care with her due to some factors. One such factor is her inability to receive vaccines because her initial illness may have been triggered by a reaction to it. Additionally, they must keep her weight in check since she only has three legs instead of four. At the time of her adoption, Mochi weighed less than 2.5 pounds but now weighs over 4 pounds because of her hearty appetite. Furthermore, they must be cautious when clearing debris out of the small portion of her ears that remain. Despite these limitations and precautions, Mochi is thriving and lively according to her recent visit to the veterinarian. Natalia and Greg were quick to apply for Mochi’s adoption after discovering her listing.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

The day after, the shelter contacted them and delivered the wonderful news that they were chosen to be the new home for Mochi.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

When we first heard the adorable moniker “Mochi”, our curiosity was instantly sparked, and we just had to figure out where this name came from. As it turns out, her owners gave her this title because of her striking resemblance to a vanilla mochi ice cream ball – isn’t that just precious? Interestingly enough, others have compared her to a variety of different animals, including an owl, seal, otter, cloud, potato, and even a ferret. Despite all of these comparisons, everyone can agree on one thing: she is truly a breathtaking creature. The next day, a couple stumbled upon Mochi and, like so many before them, quickly fell under her spell and fell head over heels in love with her.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

We were interested in learning how Mochi’s health problems impacted her daily routine, so we approached Greg for some insights. He mentioned that they try to minimize any activities that may trigger an autoimmune reaction, and keep Mochi’s daily life as stress-free as possible. While she is not allowed to go outside, she has free roam of their home. Mochi typically sleeps alongside Greg and his partner or in a small cat bed nearby during the night, and is surprisingly quiet. They usually spend some time playing with her in the morning after she’s eaten, when she has the most energy. When Mochi is in the mood to play, she’ll meow at them and attempt to initiate a game of hide and seek. Despite her health problems, Mochi is a charming and lively kitten who enjoys playing games throughout the house.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

While discussing his pet’s daily routine, Greg revealed that his furry companion loves engaging in games with them. She tends to shy away whenever they try to approach her and would scurry off to hide behind a corner. However, she would occasionally peek out to see if they are pursuing her. If they do give chase, she would continue this pattern until she gets tired and eventually plops down on her back for some belly rubs. The pet enjoys having her head scratched, licking their hands, and can easily doze off anywhere within the house. Her most preferred activity is chasing the laser pointer and running up and down the stairs at maximum speed. Regrettably, she has trouble running in a straight line, so she wiggles around like a snake. The pet is also fond of watching television with her owners and relishes eating her moist food.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

She adores being showered with love and takes pleasure in getting chin scratches and belly rubs.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

We asked the cat owner if there were any special needs for their feline friend due to her medical history. The response was positive, as they mentioned that aside from a few precautions, the cat does not require any additional care on a daily basis. Despite missing some limbs, the cat behaves like any other typical feline and seems unaware of its physical limitations. The cat loves to climb furniture, including the couch, chairs, and bed, and even enjoys sleeping on its owner’s head at night!

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Mochi, the cute little pet, just celebrated her 8th month on this planet and her new guardians think that she looks like a tasty vanilla mochi ice cream ball.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Following the viral success of Mochi’s story, we had the chance to speak with Greg and Natalia about their experience as the proud owners of this internet-renowned feline. Greg shared that they enjoy spreading Mochi’s incredible journey as it serves as an inspiration to others. Despite facing numerous setbacks, such as a long journey from China and a two-month quarantine due to illness and limb amputation, Mochi remains determined and full of vitality. Her resilience and fortitude are truly noteworthy, making her one of the strongest cats out there. In addition, she maintains her loving and affectionate nature despite all the obstacles she has overcome. The couple hopes that by sharing Mochi’s tale, people can find happiness and positivity on tough days.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Currently, she’s thriving and enjoying good health. Nevertheless, her family must implement some precautionary steps to ensure her safety and well-being in the future.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

In conclusion, Greg stressed the significance of raising awareness about rescue shelters and their commendable work. He highlighted MSPCA-Angell, the organization that took excellent care of Mochi. He urged everyone to extend their support to these groups and think about adopting rescue or disabled animals. According to him, there are countless exceptional and extraordinary animals out there who deserve affection and a loving home. He also expressed his hope that individuals who plan on getting a pet would consider adopting a disabled pet like Mochi. As an example, one of Mochi’s regular activities involves tidying up debris from the remaining portion of her ears.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

As she tries to run in a straight line, she faces some difficulties due to her tendency to move like a snake, swaying from side to side.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

In addition to that, she behaves like a regular cat, relishing in climbing up the couch, chairs, and bed.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Mochi entices her owners to play with her by using her adorable meows and playful behaviors whenever she wants to have a good time.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Furthermore, she relishes spending quality time with Natalia and Greg, indulging in endless episodes of captivating TV series.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Greg and Natalia are dedicated to spreading the word about the amazing efforts put forth by rescue shelters, like MSPCA-Angell, who provided exceptional care for their beloved companion, Mochi.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

The decision to share the story of Mochi and promote the adoption of disabled pets was motivated by this.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Our beloved pets need some additional care and attention, yet the unconditional love and devotion they offer us in return make every effort worthwhile.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

Greg expressed that adopting Mochi has brought an abundance of happiness and affection into their household.

Meet Mochi, A Munchkin Cat Who Got Another Chance At Life And Found A Forever Home After Losing Her Leg, Tail, And Both Ears

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